Mostly ‘Armless, But Stand And Deliver!

It’s great to be back at Tang Soo Do, I’ve spent so long out that everything feels fresh and new. I’ve had to basically re-learn my latest il soo sik dae ryun and ho sin sool, but I think they’ve stuck this time. What’s not so great is that I’ve managed to hurt myself (yet) again. Not too badly this time, for those of you about to roll your eyes in disbelief, but enough to annoy me. About a week ago I finished a session with a sore arm which I assumed was just a little tweak/hyper-extension done during some punching drills, but in the past when I’ve done the same it’s usually better a day or so later. That wasn’t the case this time.

I went back for the next session and it wasn’t long before I was in lots of pain with it. The pain I mean, for those who know, is that throbbing ache which leaves you without an ounce of strength. It got to where I couldn’t pull my sock on or zip up my training bag, which I found funny more than anything else (in a sadly pathetic kinda way). Naturally I did what any idiot addict enthusiastic student in my situation would do – train on regardless. On we went to ho sin sool where my partner had to apply a particularly nasty arm lock which hurt it even more. After that we worked on some potential demo stuff, including a backflip escape from two attackers (useless, but good demo fodder). As one of the ‘bigger guys’ I was put into a group of three which included a bigger guy than me (yeah, I know!), which was going really well. After a couple of practises I managed to go straight over onto my feet which felt pretty sweet, but then it was the turn of the bigger guy. On one of the attempts where he didn’t get all the way over and stalled at the top, my partner and I were left suspending him mid-flight. I was securing him using my good arm, which promptly gave way and pulled…..

Great, two arm pulls/tears/whatevers. Of course I took some time off and rested it before going back to training…. *ahem* or maybe I didn’t and went straight back training again. I’ve had three days since my last training session now, so I’m hoping I’m a little better healed for tonight. It was also great to get back into fight squad training, I had missed padding up and laying into my friends.

Outside of the dojang, it’s still just rain, rain, rain at the moment. Rubbish. There’s a nice bright light at the end of the tunnel that is this week though, on Saturday I’ve been invited to an fund-raising ’80s party! Anyone who knows me knows that I love the 1980s and mostly everything to do with the decade, the music, the laughable fashions, the films – just the whole package. So this weekend I’m trundling off to party like it’s 1985, and naturally doing the whole thing in costume. But who? What? Why none other than my single favourite ’80s artist and namesake Adam Ant!

Adam Ant

I’ll be donning the highwayman garb, and of course painting my face and I CANNOT WAIT! All that remains is to make sure I have the final bits and pieces, adorn my tricorn with some gold brocade and brush up on the steps to ‘Prince Charming’.

(who am I kidding, I know the steps perfectly ;))

1 Response

  1. Ok, so you’re completely turning into me! Injury after injury after injury! I was the same way, kept going back, until now. Now, I’m really making sure I’m better. I might wait until the fall to go back. I’m contemplating right now. I just don’t want to go back too early. I hope your arm feels better. Is it at the elbow? If so, I know exactly what you’ve done. I’ve had that pain myself.

    This martial arts stuff is supposed to be good for us, right?

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