Better Late Than Never

Well what do you know, the sun’s shining! It’s a shame it’s taken until September to see it, but it’s nice to see it all the same. A nice sunny Autumn would be just the ticket in my opinion, there’s nothing as nice as getting wrapped up and going for a stomp through the leaves in the woods when it gets like that. The only danger of doing that with a particularly ‘rusty’ dog is that it’s easy to lose him in the leaves!

I’m the mayor of Achesville this week, after a particularly good kickboxing session on Wednesday night after the TSD class. I lost count of just how many various sit-ups we did continuously, and the same goes for the pushups. I felt quite inadequate during those, as my partner for the exercises was an absolute machine and just blasted them out at a crazy speed, each one well done. There was a great vibe for the whole evening and I think it’s fair to say everyone worked hard. I wonder if anyone else is still feeling as sore as me…

I had a bit of a bargain mission this lunchtime in town, heading to the Gul shop first for a look and picking myself up a nice warm winter coat for 20 quid down from 80! Ideal, as I desperately need one and I’d been budgeting for about £80. Then I headed into <generic sports superstore> and picked up a nice big drinks bottle for training, another bargain at less than two quid. It started to lash down so I headed into Game for some shelter and noticed that Rock Band is released on PS3 and Wii today, so a friend of mine who works in the shop brought in his own copy to demonstrate. It took every ounce of self-control to not pick up the guitar and blast out ten minutes of Green Grass & High Tides on Hard like the archetypal posing idiot, but manage I did and walked out with my dignity intact ;).

The weekend is here good folks, no work for two days for the lucky ones among us, bliss. 🙂

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