Kicking My Own Backside

I’ve been feeling a bit frustrated lately, mostly with myself. I really want to train more, not necessarily Tang Soo Do, just training in general. Since I started teaching my own training has dropped to twice a week and I’ve really started to notice the difference, my strength has dropped, as has my CV fitness, it’s not good and I need to do something about it. My problem has been kicking my own arse into doing something about it.

This past weekend I went to Birmingham with the club to see The Martial Arts Show, a new expo built on the ashes of what Seni used to be (before it turned into an MMA-focused nonsense), and as always it was really inspiring. It’s a combination of watching martial artists of all disciplines walking around and doing their thing on the stages, and just being immersed in the atmosphere for two days, there’s no way anyone who trains couldn’t be inspired. I think it was the tipping point for me though, it finally drummed home that I’ve got to do something to sort myself out and get back to where I was, and a long way past.

The first and most obvious thing to do is get my bike back out on the road, that’s one of the main reasons I bought it in the first place after all, I just need to get those tyres sorted and put some miles in. On top of that I’ve got a few ideas, the first of which starts soon, but I’m going to keep it under my hat pretty much until it’s actually all up and happening, otherwise it’s just more talk, and if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s getting excited about something then losing interest pretty quickly.

I’d love to be writing here again in say, six weeks time, and be reporting about how well it’s gone, how much stronger I feel, how much weight I’ve lost. I guess it’s up to me to make sure that’s what I’m doing 🙂

1 Response

  1. Viper says:

    Hmm.. am intrigued 🙂 Im determined to get more training in too. Lots of CV work for me and toning weights I think.

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