Category: garden

Waning Light 0

Waning Light

I know I shouldn’t wish the rest of summer away, but when it’s dark and raining outside it’s hard not to get discouraged sometimes. I’ve got a late summer holiday coming up in less...

Veg Out 1

Veg Out

Two four-day weekends have been absolute bliss, I’ve been doing my best to relax as much as possible and make the most of them. I’ve got through a lot of films, a lot of...

Continuing Gardening Adventures 0

Continuing Gardening Adventures

NOW WITH PICTURES! My growing (geddit?) addiction to the garden continues unabated, I’m really getting into it all now, and I’m starting to see some results. The I currently have peas, blackcurrants, strawberries and...

Green Fingers? 0

Green Fingers?

I managed to spend a bit more time out in the back garden this past weekend to keep up the momentum on my current gardening drive. I put peas in and a frame up...

Green Fingered? 1

Green Fingered?

As much as I’d love to start this post with a Muppet-related joke, for the sake of decency I won’t  :). Instead, this is all about my impending gardening adventure! Wooooo! I’m a firm...