Cry Havoc And Let Loose The Dogs Of War

Or in this case, the Spaniel of squeaking and wagging. I thought I’d do a little update about our pup, our rapidly growing pup.

Murphy’s now eight months old, which is still really young but he’s really starting to look like a proper dog now. He’s got a lot of hobbies which keep him really busy, he’s a very busy dog. These include:

  • Chewing. He likes nothing more than to chew on something, especially something he shouldn’t. I understand this is usual for a year or two as they start to find their teeth, but he doesn’t half enjoy ripping up cardboard. I managed to keep him amused for nearly half an hour recently by letting him chew up the tube from a roll of wrapping paper. It was highly comical, it really looked like he was smoking an enormous comedy cigar.
  • Squeaking. Murphy gets very excited when I get home in the evenings, which is actually really sweet. He treats you like he expected to never see you again, which involves lots of bouncing on people, running around and squeaking. He also squeaks when we go for a walk and he starts to get tired. Or when he wants food. Or a treat. If you pick up his lead, prepare for a LOT of talking :).
  • Playing. He gets on very well with Ginger (one of our cats) and they have a great old time playing together. In fact just the other evening I caught Ginger curled up next to him asleep in front of the fire, it was very cute. Big Cat isn’t quite as fond of him (to put it mildly), but gets his own fun by antagonising the pup. He loves it when we take him for a run on the beach or woods with my friend’s dogs.
  • Escapology. There’s simply no point in trying to secure him anywhere, it can’t be done. I’m convinced he’s the Houdini of the dog world. His latest trick is scaling a 6′ coal bunker in a bid for freedom and the sofa.

He’s extra cute though, so he tends to get away with his misdemeanours. This will be his first Christmas, which I think is kinda sweet. I’m sure he’s going to get lots of fuss and plenty of table scraps. If not, he’ll simply demand and take them. Here’s a picture of him doing his very favourite thing, running on the beach.

And here’s probably the most annoyed looking dog ever, wearing his Christmas jumper….. oh dear. And no, we don’t make him wear it, in fact this was the only time he ever had it on.

Merry Christmas Murphy!

(hmm maybe the cats deserve their own posts too, there’s an idea)

1 Response

  1. Too cute! I vote he wears it!

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