Slacking Off

From my blog duties at the very least :|. Stuff is pretty much as it always is at the moment, no big surprise there then! I bought myself Oblivion on the 360 last week, as I remember how much I enjoyed it on the PC and it was cheap, and, well basically I just hadn’t bought a game for ages. I’m liking being able to dip in and out as I want and the quest log is great so it’s very hard to get lost or forget what you were doing. I’ve had a bit of a re-kindled interest in games again now, which has spurred me on to actually write something! Kororinpa review on NTSC-uk soon with any luck.
The house has been on the market for nearly two weeks now. We’ve had a few viewings, but no offers yet. I’m not sure how long it should go before you’re supposed to start getting worried, but I’m not yet. Now that the clocks have gone forward (thank god!), the evening sunshine should brighten the place up if people come a-visiting. It also means that BBQ season is upon us! I shall be firing up the coals at the earliest available opportunity.

TSD training is going well. We’re working hard on ironing everything out at the moment. Last night’s class was really small, which was poor show really, but good for those of us who went, as we had a chance to really work the one-step sparring and self-defence (oops, must get in the Korean mindset – Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun and Ho Sin Sul!). I’m feeling confident on those now, it’s still just the physical which worries me, as that’s the part I find hardest. Not to mention trying to remember the terminology and history while I’m dead on my feet, but that’s one of my more confident areas most times. Still, it’s only two weeks now, I’m starting to feel the nerves.

Lots of things seem to be changing or different now, it’s almost bewildering. Things have changed with people, I’m moving house, hitting thirty, uncertainty about lots of things and to top it all off a contract which ends in June and the prospect of a new mortgage looming. Scary stuff! Can’t I just go back to twenty in May?

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