Tagged: competition

Competition Build-Up 3

Competition Build-Up

I’m sure training blogs/tweets/facebook updates all over the country have updated this week with something along the lines of ‘British Championships this weekend, I’m excited/nervous!’, and here’s my addition to the pile. The 2010...

Neither Here Nor There 0

Neither Here Nor There

Right about now I should be sat in a car on my way to the midlands with a bag full of equipment, starting to get nervous about taking part in the British Tang Soo...

Booked Up 1

Booked Up

October is starting to look like it’s going to be a busy (and expensive) month. I’m booked up for the first couple of weekends already, and I know there are birthdays and suchlike in...

Ruthless Efficiency 0

Ruthless Efficiency

Old mobile contract cancelled – check! Good tempered rant at old ISP who’ve still been taking money from me since November despite not even being with them – check! All I’ve got left to...

We Came, We Saw… 1

We Came, We Saw…

…and then we went home again 😀 Yup, five intrepid chaps from In Sung Kwan Tang Soo Do braved the roads of South England and travelled up to London (well, it turned out to...