Like Blowing A Trombone Full Of Gravel

After a nasty few days of feeling terrible, a trip to the doctor and some very careful eating, I’m just about better again. I’m very pleased about it too, I hate being ill for a start and anything to do with my inner workings is worse again. I’ve missed training for a whole week now but I’ll be back there tonight to see just how feeble I’ve become.

Work on the house continues apace, there’s now absolutely nothing left of the old half of the building. There was a big fire in the back garden last night to get right of all the old wood from the units and floors, a very square pit has been dug in the floor in preparation for the groundworks (although they still need to go down another 3-4 feet apparently!), and a shed for the workmen to store their tools in has sprung up in the front garden. My home is barely recognisable as a home any more, I just treat it as somewhere I sleep, watch a little TV and feed the animals. It’s over a week since work started now and by my reckoning if the total time they estimate it’ll take is represented by a clockface, we’re at about 1 o’clock now. Only 11 hours left to go then, ideal. Next friday we’re taking a trip away to pick out a kitchen after the extortionate quote from a local supplier.

Although I’m being exceedingly careful with my money lately (a fool and his money are soon parted, I’ve learned that much!), next Friday is my own little treat to myself. Street Fighter IV is released, oh yeah! I’ve been dying to get my hands on a decent Capcom fighter since SF3: 3rd Strike (there’s still no better fighter), and for once I’m actually really excited about a new game. Capcom have an incredible track record when it comes to 2D fighters – with a few blemishes, see what happened when Capcom USA were allowed to design characters *ahem* Super Street Fighter II anyone? – and I don’t care what anyone says, 3D rendering or not, SFIV *is* a 2D fighter. My only concern having not played the new game at all, and having avoided as much of the media for the game as possible, is how it’s going to play. I mean, I know the controls are going to be tight, but I want to see which parts of which games it’s borged. I’m hoping it plays closer to 3rd Strike than SSF2T, I prefer the level of depth.

And to finish up with for today, what about this weather?? Granted, that rhetoric only applies to me really as most of the people reading this are nowhere near me, but it’s glorious out today. It really feels like we’re turning a corner into Spring now. I’m dying for a bit of sunshine and warmth, some light evenings and most definitely – a barbecue!

p.s. WordPress users should upgrade their installations to 2.7.1, it fixes loads of stuff and the backend has changed beyond recogition. Me likey.

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