Category: games


Game on!

I used to post quite a bit about games, both the video and the board kinds, but I haven’t for ages now. The board games are still there, but the time and people to...


Early Access – How to do it right

So there ‘s a big ruckus going on right now on the interwebs, and that’s because of the proliferation of Early Access games on Steam. It’s a scheme which lets developers sell (that’s the important...

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Steam Summer Sale Experiment

Right, I’ve preached evangelical for a while now on here and other places about how much cheaper games on the PC are, and how much I’ve been looking forward to the Steam Summer Sale....

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Summer / Rain

Summer The Steam Summer Sale starts on the 19th of June, and I can’t wait. Not only is there a world cup to watch, I can also keep an eye on Steam looking for...

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PC in the living room – 3 weeks on

I’ve had the PC running in the living room for over three weeks now, so I thought I’d post an update with things I’ve learned since. Wireless vs long cable I was all set...

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Living Room PC – Finished!

Over the last week or so I’ve had the chance to finally put an end to my next-gen gaming woes, and finished my living room PC (or Steam box, for those who prefer the term)....

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Lords Of Waterdeep

All this talk of new computers doesn’t mean I’m ignoring my other games pastime with cardboard. Back in February I had a price alert from the excellent Camelcamelcamel website, which tracks Amazon prices and...


Twenty-Five Games (update)

A while ago now I made a post about wanting to create a ‘Superlist’ of twenty-five games I want my son to play as he grows up. I might not have mentioned it since...