Category: Geekery


Landing a Rocket on a Raft

Just a short update, but I’ve watched this video countless times, and it still amazes me. Shooting a rocket into space, yeah, that’s pretty clever (try playing Kerbal Space Program to see just...

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For someone as techno-friendly as me, I still find it shocking just how mish-mash my approach to home entertainment is. I’ve got so many things connected, in so many ways, that sometimes even I...

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New Phone Time – LG G2

Despite being a self-confessed technology tart, I’ve not really felt the need to post about my mobile phones before. Yes, I get really excited at renewal time, but things have been largely incremental so...

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A quick catch-up

It’s been one of those quiet times around here hasn’t it? It’s due to a mixture of not having too much to talk about and being crazy busy with work really, but I still...

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Changing of the Guard

I posted a while ago  with my dilemma about what to do with the next generation of games consoles. I’m still umm-ing and ahh-ing and not really sure about anything, but I’m getting closer....

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I’ve decided that as I’m using Linux as my primary OS now, I ought to get to know it a bit better than I currently do. I’m not a complete novice by any stretch...

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Djangetting it!

I’m slowly getting my head around Django, and the more I do, the more I appreciate what it’s doing. The Models part of it I found pretty easy, it’s just defining fields in a...

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Why Linux?

I realised a couple of days ago that I’ve chirped on about Linux in the past on here, but never really explained why anyone would want to use it, or mentioning any of the...